The 4 basic principles of working together
1. We work with integrity and joy:
To honour the kaupapa of The Magnificent Weirdos and facilitate the creation and enjoyment of the art.
To lift and support one another to achieve the best possible outcomes for all who are taking part.
2. We actively engage in a duty of care to one another (artists, audiences & colleagues) by:
Regularly checking in with one another asking for feedback.
Calling out and calling in.
Making all reasonable adjustments to make everyone’s experience of creating, facilitating or experiencing art as inclusive, accessible and joyful as possible.
3. We support accessibility and inclusion wholeheartedly by:
Accepting that inclusion and access are not unfettered or unregulated; that rights exist alongside responsibilities. As such, we do not accept or promote art or artists who denigrate or deny the humanity of others, or deliberately cause harm to others.
Actively ensuring that our spaces and our work are free of discrimination and bigotry including, but not limited to, discrimination and bigotry on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, class, neurodivergence, and disability.
4. We seek positive, constructive and creative working environments by:
Negotiating, mediating and nipping things in the bud before they escalate.
Giving people the benefit of the doubt and seeking, in the first instance, restorative rather than punitive means to justice. We call bad behaviour out; we call people in.